Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend is located 5 miles south of Page, Arizona.

Parking – There is a newly expanded parking area that you now have to pay $10 for private car (as of April 2019). There are restrooms in the parking lot but no running water.

Hiking – West of the parking lot is the 1.3 mile out and back hiking trail. It starts off a little steep ascent over soft sand then gradually drops off to the viewpoint. The trail surface is a mixture of sand, worn out pavement and rock surface.

Best time to go – Early morning (sunrise) or late afternoon (sunset) are the best time to go. You will predominantly be facing west as you are viewing the canyon. That means if you are going during sunrise, the sun will be behind you lighting up the canyon. If you go in the afternoon, the sun will be in front of you and would have to deal with a harsh backlight.

I suggest going later in the afternoon when the sun is about to set. You will be rewarded with a really great sunset view of the Colorado River and canyon. We got to the parking area half an hour before sunset and the crowds were not as bad. We were able to find a parking spot right away and made it just in time to watch the sun setting behind the horizon. It was one of the best sunset views I’ve seen.

Go Prepared – There is no shade and it can get hot out there. Bring plenty of water, sunscreen, and a hat. This is a desert hike so come prepared. If you go during sunset, bring a flashlight for your hike back to the parking lot.

Time budget – Plan on spending an hour for this excursion. That should be plenty for the hike back and forth and taking pictures.

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